Origin Window 2002 by Jessica Berry
The magnetic power of the heart is 5000x stronger than thought! We are all connected through this heart field. If you drop your pilot down into the heart seat, what dreams may come?
Thought I'd share my daily prayer:
I am blessed by the warmth of friendship
I am blessed by the experience of contrast (joy and sorrow)
I am blessed by the wellspring of eternal love
I am blessed by the ecstasy of sex
I am blessed by the joy of dance
I am blessed by my masters and teachers
I am blessed by the ripeness of timing
I am blessed by the presence of grace
I am blessed by the unfolding mystery of each day
I am blessed by the magic, wonder and beauty of life
I am blessed by the tapestry of interconnection
I am blessed by the field of infinite potential and give thanks for what I receive
I am blessed, nurtured and sustained by earth mother goddess and father sun
who dwell in me as one
I am one with the universe in divine co creation
I am an instrument of loving kindness
I am a radiant dancing goddess of joy!
I am one with the one love
and So it is.
Peace is on Earth* Loving kindness is blossoming* Sacred Wilderness is always honoured
Whats important in this life? We experience the illusion of separateness in this physical world in order to meet each other! What a divine game of hide and seek.